Ramallah- PalTel Company, one of Paltel Group companies, launched PalTel 2007 Painter Competition under the Title “Palestine the Future” within the activities of Palestine First International Child Book Festival. This is the second competition PalTel organizes in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and the Palestinian Plastic Artists Federation. It aims at developing and refining the Palestinian child talents within its policy aiming at supporting the plastic art march.
Mohannad Al-Rabi, Paletel’s Marcom said “this competition came after the great success of PalTel Painter Competition last year (2006) in which more than 9 thousand children participated whose ages ranged between 6-12 years”.
This year competition is targeting the children from 12 to 16 years old, and Paltel allocated a set of rewards for the winners amounting 10 Shekels”.
The condition for participating in this competition is that the child will portrait Palestine as he wish to see in the future from a positive perspective.
PalTel will receive the participated paintings at its spread centers all over Palestine up to the first day of next November.
This competition comes within a series of activities the Company organizes to support different sectors in the Palestinian society such as the suppositional exhibition in cooperation with Birzeit University, and sponsoring exhibitions for Palestinian artists abroad.