Ramallah, Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology (MICT) announced launching of projects to include new services and price decrease with the aim to develop the Palestinian Telecommunication sector and serve people.
 Dr. Abdul Malik Jaber, CEO of Paltel said: “today we are launching the largest group of services in the telecommunication sector. The customer will feel the difference; costs for telephone bills will noticeably decrease. We are proud to announce our telephone numbering plan that unifies Palestine and to single area code. 

Jaber said: “Palestine Telecommunication Company fulfilled its promise to introduce this service of assign fixed tariff for all local calls within different area codes, so that dialers may contact telephones outside their local system within Palestine with no additional cost. Palestine is considered one single area code. It is worth mentioning that Paltel grouped areas within Palestine to become 7 as opposed to 35.

Campaign to reduce domestic and international calls

Monthly subscription fees have decreased to NIS 40 rather than NIS 50 not including tax. Each subscriber is granted 150 minutes free-of-charge as opposed to 100 minutes free-of-charge effective July 1st, 2005.

Discounts on the International phone calls reached up to 33% for Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt and Jordan effective July 1st, 2005. Jaber said: “we do our best to provide best quality services at low price cost. We want to link our people in Palestine with their beloved”.

Launching ADSL service:

Paltel and MICT are launching a new broadband service that will offer instant and always-on high-speed internet access starting May 11, 2005. The service is provided to through ISPs to residential, corporate governmental and non-governmental and academic identities. Total cost of service is NIS 500 excluding tax.

FREE subscription to Internet

MICT agreed with Paltel to cut service cost from NIS 1.44 per hour to NIS 1.20 per hour (excluding tax) in an effort to make this service available at each home in Palestine.

MICT also decreased internet cost held for 10 megabytes (MB) of data to reach US$ 850.

Dr. Jaber thanked Minister for Telecommunication and Information Technology and Ministry staff for their efforts to develop the Palestinian Technology sector”.