24-3-2007/ Nablus , proceeding its programs and diverse competitions launched by Paltel, in the different feasts and occasions, the Company announced the launching of “Welcome Spring” competition from 24-3-2007 to 17-4-2007. The competition includes 25 questions, one daily, being advertised in the local newspapers and the company’s website www.paltel.ps.





Paltel’s Marketing Manager, Mrs. Mona Abazah, talked about “Welcome Spring” competition saying: “Paltel accustomed its customers to launching the diverse competitions during feasts and different occasions, whereas we have previously launched the competitions “Welcome Feasts” and “ Welcome Ramadan”, today we are launching “Welcome Spring” competition in the beginning of Spring season”.





In terms of the competition content, Mrs. Abazah mentioned that it is a diverse cultural competition; most of its questions are about general information, which the citizens answer through calling the number 1878 from any land or mobile telephone. Abazah added that the value of the daily award is 300 dollars in cash. There will be a drawing to the participated telephone numbers that correctly answered the competition question to choose a winner daily. By the end of the campaign, there will be a drawing to the names of the customers who correctly answered at least 15 questions to win a “Lap Top” computer”.