Al-Bireh, Dr.Abdul Malik Jaber talked about listing Palestine Telecommunication Company stocks at Abu Dhabi Stocks Market starting the day before yesterday. Palestinian shareholders are permitted to trade 30 percent of the total Palestine Telecommunication Company’s shares on ADSM after submitting an application to ADSM via brokers.

“The work scope and the company’s projects don not confine only to Palestine but they started expanding to reach Yemen, Saudi Arabia Kazakhstan, Jordan and United Arab Emirates” Dr. Jaber said.

Dr. Jaber pointed that “Palestine Telecommunication Company is becoming an international success story; it is the first Palestinian company to list and trade its shares at ADSM and that would benefit the Palestinian market and widen the investment base in addition to open the door for other local companies to list their shares”.

“One Hundred million US$ is Palestine Telecommunication Company profits for the year 2005 and that means a growth of 100% from the previous year 2004” Dr. Jaber reported. He referred such growth to the “company’s pricing policy that is considered the cheapest in the Arab world with respect to the use of fixed lines to local calls, Internet and Broadband”.

Talking about Palestine Telecommunication Company working circumstances Dr. Jaber said “one of the most important points that differentiate Palestine Telecommunication Company from others is its work in exceptional and hard circumstances”.

“ the top management that is behind Palestine Telecommunication Company success, is for sure qualified to lead Telecommunication and investments sectors at any country word wild, yet; we are interested to invest in the growing markets, it is our competition strategy that we use well” Dr. Jaber said. Mr. Sabih Masri, Chairman of the Board of Paltel Group, announced in press conference that “This achievement came as a result to a continuous effort of Palestine Telecommunication Company’s management and its executive board and their determination to work within the international standards. As for the listing at ADSM, it came as efforts of Palestine Securities Exchange, Financial Market, Mediation companies and Palestinian National Authorities”.