Ramallah- Paltel, in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education and Ruwaq organized a painting competition entitled “Our Old Houses are Beautiful and Long Lasting”, which aims at introducing the students to the importance of the old buildings that represent a historical witness on the Palestinian tradition and the Palestinian culture. It also helps the students protect their cultural and architectural heritage and introduce them to the whole idea of renovation of the old buildings. This contest will broaden the children’s knowledge and push for further appreciation of the ancient buildings which become less common with the modern architectural trend.
The competition, organized under the patronage of Paltel and Marawi - the National Beverage Company, was launched on Saturday March 25th and submission closes on April 25th. Painting boards were distributed in schools all over Palestine; around 100,000 pupils of the fifth grade received painting boards.
It is worth mentioning that this annual contest is organized for the second year and that several prizes for best drawings that reflect the old architectural heritage in Palestine will be awarded in a special ceremony- to be announced.