The activities of the “Days to Discover” project that took place at Jineen Secondary Girls School under the patronage and support of Paltel and in cooperation with Forum for Young Scientists aiming at stimulating critical thinking among children were concluded. The activities also aimed at raising children’s curiosity to discover in addition to train them on research methodology. Children prove to be able to deal with situations in a mature way.
Engineer Emad Shawahneh, Director of Paltel, Jineen area, thanked the staff of Forum for Young Scientists and the workers at the District Office for Education for their continuous efforts to make the “Days to Discover” a story of success and hoped that similar activities will take place in the coming years.
Basima Za’roor, coordinator for Forum for Young Scientists thanked Palestine Telecommunication Company Ltd (PALTEL) for its support to the “Days to Discover” activities in Jineen, Nablus and Gaza. In her speech, Za’roor added that caring for children and stimulating their thinking in a scientific way is an issue to care for.
155 children aged 6-15 years old participated in the “Days to Discover” activities that included many technology, science and culture workshops in addition to summer camps and field visits. Children presented theatre sketches for the two weeks time period. At the end of the ceremony, Patel’s employees thanked the Company’s management hoping that similar activities would take place to help their children and residents of the local community.