special Numbers
Toll free 1800 services is designed for companies who wish to provide their customers who are using a fixed line or mobile phones with information and services via a telephone line. Setting up a free number enables customers to place their orders free of charge.
The following tables illustrates the pricing plans and numbers categories
Category |
Installation (NIS) |
price (NIS) |
A |
2000 |
40 |
B |
1500 |
40 |
C |
400 |
40 |
- All Prices are VAT excluded
Switching from one category to another cost the customer the difference in the installation fees as follows:
- From B to A: 500 NIS
- From C to A:1600 NIS
- From C to B:1100 NIS
Number change in the same category: 43 NIS
- Toll free number will be 40 NIS for the three types
- The additional line will be treated as a commercial line with 40 NIS per 2 months as ordinary subscribers’ numbers.
The discount will be according to the traffic volume as the following:
Amount (NIS) |
discount % |
Less than 750 NIS |
7% |
From 750 NIS to 1500 NIS |
10% |
More than 1500 NIS |
15% |
Toll Free Numbers Tariff
- Calls made to the toll free numbers are free from Paltel`s fixed line numbers.
- Calls made to the toll free numbers are either paid or free from the mobile lines and it depends upon the agreement between the toll free owner and Paltel.
- Calls made from the toll free line are according to the postpaid fixed line tariff
1700 Number:
It is a service designed for institutions and service companies willing to receive a telephone line of six digits to enable the customers of these institutions and companies to call them from their fixed lines (or mobiles) on the account of the calling party.
Business Number 1700 categories
Category |
Installation (NIS) |
Monthly Amount (NIS) |
A |
2,000 |
40 |
B |
1,500 |
40 |
C |
400 |
40 |
- All Prices are VAT excluded
Switching from one category to another will cost the customer the difference in the Installation Fees as follows:
- From B to A: 500 NIS
- From C to A:1,600 NIS
- From C to B:1,100 NIS
- Number change in the same category: 43 NIS
Business numbers tariff:
- Calls to 1700 numbers: Same as calls to local numbers tariff
- Calls from 1700 numbers: Same as postpaid fixed line calls tariff